
Site last updated: 1 November 2018. Periodic updates are made - This site is for historical purposes only and I have no political agenda or views. This blog is a personal hobby and while I endeavour to provide information as accurately as possible, it may be difficult due to the sometimes controversial nature of the artefact, or that little documented history is known. Like most collectibles, the decision about a piece still ultimately rests with you. All photos unless stated belong to the owner and permission must be sought in writing before use. Email us at: coburgbadge@gmail.com

Sunday 1 November 2015

From the Early Beginnings ...

Hitler was invited with his party to the city of Coburg to hold a 'German Day' on 10 October 1922. This was a folk festival to encourage German rural life. Although the city was Marxist controlled, the event would provide a political platform to publicise the party with media attention. When they arrived, the Marxist citizens began to become rowdy and it led to a fight. In a turn of events, some of the crowd began to join Hitler's party and soon they won over the townsfolk. That evening Hitler addressed a meeting in the town hall attended by the Duke and Duchess of Coburg who later become active Nazis. By now, Hitler's first decisive victory had become a Nazi folklore. Only the ardent and most staunch followers would have the answer if asked 'But were you at Coburg?'

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